

Christopher Bowman

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 20th, 2022

Project: Voltage Optimization Devices at Grid Edge

Project Start Date: May 13th, 2019

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

"The team at the Energy Innovation Lab (EIL) was one of the best working environments I've been to. They all encouraged professional development and providing us with all the tools they had at their disposal to succeed. If it wasn't for the (EIL) and the VTECH team, I feel I wouldn't be were I am today as a future engineer; I will be forever grateful for the tools everyone has given me to transition smoothly into a promising career."

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Julio Arciga

Major: Applied Mathematics

Graduation Date: December 16th, 2022

Project: Near-stall Modal Disturbances Within a Transonic Compressor Rotor

Project Start Date: July 21st, 2020

Project Location: Naval Postgraduate School

"This is one of the best opportunities to look for out in the world. Getting experience in a STEM environment that applies heavily close to my major that I am still working towards. I look forward to expanding new skill sets."

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Joseph Kubes

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: June 20, 2022

Project: DERConnect

Project Start Date: September 10th, 2020

Project Location: University of California, San Diego

“During my transition from the Marine Corps and into college life, one of my main concerns was landing an internship. VTEC not only helped me achieve this goal by my Junior year but has also taught me some great professional development skills. I am excited to continue to further develop these skills in my DERConnect internship at UCSD. “

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Yiyi Guan

Major: Computer Engineering

Graduation Date: May 13th, 2022

Project: Integration of CAES and Supercapacitor Microgrid

Project Start Date: July 9th, 2020

Project Location: Naval Postgraduate School

" I’ve learned a lot from my internship with VTEC. I was able to gain knowledge of renewable energy sources other than solar power. I’ve learned how to break down H2O to produce compressed hydrogen and convert it to energy by molecular reaction. I was able to work on a controller and code the controller. This is the beginning of my career. I am super excited to start my journey and learn new skills."

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Ryan Lochrane

Major: Computer Science

Graduation Date: May 21st, 2021

Project: Development, Testing, and Transition of COTS Microgrid in a Box

Project Start Date: June 19th, 2020

Project Location: Naval Postgraduate School

“The VTEC program has been extremely beneficial to my life as I would like to think that it opened up opportunities that would lead to my current job as a Systems Test Engineer. My time working on the ESTEP UAV solar charging station exposed me to integration of various components required for a system to function as intended. The year long exposure on that project led me to an internship for Northrop Grumman in systems test engineering which I would then receive a full time offer for and accept.”

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Madan Aryal

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: August 12th, 2022

Project: High Flux Solar Simulator

Project Start Date: July 15th, 2020

Project Location: Boise State University

"I am a junior at Boise State University. My internship in the High Flux Solar capacitor can be a step forward to using saltwater as a source of solar power and the byproduct can be used as drinkable water. I am really excited to complete the research and give back to the communities an ultimate source for green energy. A huge thanks to VTEC for providing me a golden opportunity to achieve my dreams."

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Colton Mullican

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: June 18th, 2021

Project: DERConnect

Project Start Date: July 6th, 2020

Project Location: University of California, San Diego

"VTEC has been instrumental to my success as an intern at UC San Diego's Center for Energy Research where I am working to integrate a distributed energy resource hub into UC San Diego's existing microgrid. This has allowed me to leverage and expand my experience with thermodynamic and power systems."

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Cody Smith

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: July 31st, 2020

Project: Short Pulse Research, Evaluation and non Swap Demonstration for C-SUAV

Project Start Date: April 1st, 2019

Project Location: University of Missouri, Kansas City

“The VTEC program has been a valuable program for me both academically and professional. One of the focus points of the program was to enhance my marketability as a professional. VTEC's counselors have aided me in this area by developing my LinkedIn profile, coordinating conversations with professionals in my community, and identifying potential career opportunities on my behalf. They've also been instrumental as a contact point for me during difficult times throughout my internship.”


Robert Maneke

Major: Business Administration

Graduation Date: May 14th, 2021

Project: VTEC Management Administration

Project Start Date: April 22nd, 2019

Project Location: University of Hawaii, Manoa

“My internship with VTEC has been a wonderful experience, allowing me to take advantage of numerous opportunities that I would not have been able to otherwise. During my time I gained practical experience in marketing, networking, and organizing the program in Hawaii. While doing this I was able to take on far more responsibility than I ever expected to as an undergraduate student. Not only that, but I was able to receive funds to attend major professional development events, including the Student Veterans of America National Conference earlier this year (2020) in Los Angeles, all of which wouldn't have been possible without VTEC.”


Casey Jones

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 20th, 2019

Project: Battery Electrode Synthesis, Testing, Safety and in situ Diagnostics

Project Start Date: May 28th, 2019

Project Location: Purdue University

“Being part of multiple VTEC internships showed me how much I enjoyed academic research. My previous internship at the University of Hawaii at Manoa during my last year of undergrad was a great way for me to get experience and was very convenient since it was also on campus. My summer internship at Purdue University was a great introduction to research, and introduced me to a professor that was happy to bring me in afterwards as a graduate student. Because of VTEC I am now studying for my PhD at a great school, and the connections I have made along the way have given me an amazing start on my career.”


Jacob Norenberg

Major: Computer Science

Graduation Date: December 14th, 2021

Project: DeceptiCSADA

Project Start Date: June 10, 2019

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“The VTEC program is without a doubt the most important thing that has happened to me for my future professional career in web development. Period.

I cannot fully express how hard it is to get a solid foot in the door of any tech. company with zero experience! Not only am I able to use this and put it on a resume for the future, but the best part about it is that I'm actually learning exactly what I'm interested in. I was learning Python, React Javascript, HTML, and CSS in my free time because I enjoyed doing it. As an intern, I'm using all four of those things to create real world applications and solve real world application problems. I have also learned a lot of things that are classified as common knowledge in the world of coding that students don't really get exposed to or learn. Simple skills like terminal usage commands, certain coding words or acronyms, and source control apps like github/bitbucket. I also have a better opportunity to land a full-time job at the Naval Research base which is great because I like working with the people there.

I was very, very excited when I was accepted into the program.”


Chantal Newell

Major: Business Administration

Graduation Date: May 14th, 2021

Project: VTEC Internship Coordinator

Project Start Date: May 14th, 2018

Project Location: University of Hawaii, Manoa

“My experience with VTEC, specifically as the internship coordinator, gave me the skills necessary to help other student Veterans find job placement and make the best out of their education experience. By helping to expand the program to the Hawaiian Islands, the connections made while growing the candidate pool in Hawaii allowed me to create and secure a salaried position managing another ONR program post graduation. The professional development tools gained through VTEC gave me the knowledge to help the student Veterans in my program, as well as myself, reach their goals.”


Jeffry Martin

Major: Chemistry

Graduation Date: June 22nd, 2020

Project: Energy Storage - Non-Aqueous Redox Flow Batteries

Project Start Date: February 3rd, 2020

Project Location: University of California, Davis

“My previous internship with VTEC was a wonderful experience, allowing me to take advantage of numerous opportunities that I would not have been able to otherwise. During my time I gained practical experience in marketing, networking, and organizing the program in Hawaii. While doing this I was able to take on far more responsibility than I ever expected to as an undergraduate student. Not only that, but I was able to receive funds to attend major professional development events, including the Student Veterans of America National Conference earlier this year (2020) in Los Angeles, all of which wouldn't have been possible without VTEC.”


Trevor Long

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 20th, 2021

Project: Beta-gallium oxide for naval RF power electronics applications

Project Start Date: May 20th, 2019

Project Location: Discovery Park, Purdue University

“The internship through VTEC helped me get exposure to a potential career path I wouldn’t have otherwise. The problems and subject matter pushed me out of my comfort zone and helped me grow beyond the potential I saw in myself. Overall experience was good.”


Alejandro Stephens

Major: Applied Mathematics

Graduation Date: May 20th, 2021

Project: Microgrid Adversary Design and Mentality (MADMen)

Project Start Date: January 30th, 2020

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“The VTEC program has provided me hands-on learning experience. Through mentorship in Cybersecurity I have developed my programming skills required in this unique industry. In addition, they have helped enhance my professional profile through LinkedIn and work resume. If it wasn’t through VTEC and specifically Moses Maddox to encourage me to be in the program I would still be lost in finding my dream job. I’m thankful for this opportunity and for the individuals that make the program work efficiently.”


Cameron McCrorey

Major: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Graduation Date: December 20th, 2020

Project: Next-Generation, Energy Efficient Water Treatment (NEWT)

Project Start Date: February 3rd, 2020

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“I am happy and grateful for the opportunity provided to me from VTEC. This internship has allowed me to gain real world experience as a computer Engineer. Seeing the design process and workflow has been very helpful . Experience is vital and most important when looking for employment. I hope to continue to work as an intern here until I land a job in industry.”


Daniel Riedel

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: August 19, 2020

Project: HVAC Energy Reduction

Previous Project: Concentrated Solar

Project Start Date: May 18th, 2020

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“VTEC has been a key stepping stone to developing my professional career. Without their support and dedication to their Veterans I wouldn't have pursued my Master in Mechanical Engineering emphasising in renewable energies! I was able to leverage all of my VTEC experience to become a desirable candidate and attain multiple professional offers.”


Cassidy Siegrist

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 31st, 2021

Project: Graphene Lighting (GLighting)

Project Start Date: January 9th, 2020

Project Location: NIWC - Hawaii

“The VTEC program has allowed me to develop further as a professional engineer. Not only have I gotten real hands-on experience with engineering, I have traveled and learned what actual engineering meetings entail. The small details really begin to add up as things that they don't teach you in school. My mentor works with me closely in developing a plan for my future and the experience overall has been excellent.”


Marcin Kalisz

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 21st, 2021

Project: Short Pulse Research, Evaluation and non Swap Demonstration for C-SUAV

Project Start Date: February 3rd, 2020

Project Location: University of Missouri, Kansas City

“VTEC internship has giving me the opportunity to explore new, fascinating field of pulsed energy. Learning about high power microwaves and lasers with a chance of hands on interaction with cutting edge technologies is everything I could wish for. Over last few months I learn great deal about antennas, microwave technology and lasers. It will be never possible without this opportunity.”


Christopher Aguilar

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 15th, 2021

Project: Micro-Island Device Research

Project Start Date: August 26th, 2019

Project Location: University of Hawaii, Manoa

“The VTEC program has been without a doubt, one of the best and most beneficial programs for veteran's pursuing a STEM degree. From connecting a student veteran to a faculty mentor, helping develop a career resume, one-on-one mentorship with a VTEC faculty member, and the flexibility in schedule for the internships. Each and every portion of the program is geared toward success and development. I am absolutely grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the VTEC program, and it has been paramount developing my skills toward being able to better market myself in the community. I have been working with VTEC for a year now, and my experience has been amazing. Much respect and admiration for my VTEC mentor, Mr. Moses Maddox, who has helped immensely in internship opportunities, and development of not only my career but myself, as a person entering the STEM field. I highly recommend this program to any veteran who is returning to school.”


Mark Powers

Major: Electrical & Computer Engineering

Graduation Date: May 14th, 2021

Project: Autonomous Mobility for Installation

Project Start Date: May 11th, 2020

Project Location: NAVFAC, EXWC

“I have found that being part of the VTEC program has been highly fulfilling. The person who reached out to me was Moses Maddox, and he has been extremely helpful in finding the right internship for me. Even though COVID-19 pandemic felt like a wall, since many research opportunities and internships were halted or just cancelled, Moses managed to find an amazing opportunity for me. I couldn't wait to begin my internship this Summer.”


Blake Heck

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 15th, 2021

Project: Short Pulse Research, Evaluation and non Swap Demonstration for C-SUAV

Project Start Date: December 2nd, 2019

Project Location: University of Missouri, Kansas City

“VTEC has provided me with an opportunity to apply the skills and education gathered from the military and from Kansas State University, to a research and team driven organization. VTEC does an amazing job of promoting academic development, while also helping Veterans develop the necessary hands on skills to be successful in the real world.”


Christopher Bowman

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 22nd, 2021

Project: Varentec

Project Start Date: May 20th, 2019

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“The amazing opportunity that VTEC has given me is nothing short of a blessing in my book. When I separated from the military in 2014, i would have given anything to work for NIWC and gradually build on the experience and career that the Navy could no longer provide me. For many years i waited for the opportunity to work with professionals and government engineers and now i'm finally able to. The program has provided me with in-dept knowledge, hands on experience and contacts through networking that i never would have imagined making through other means. The staff has been amazing in helping me with my professional profiles and how they continue to look after our well being in the projects we're assigned to. I hope this program continues to prosper and help many other veterans like myself give back to not only our community, but to help programs like this for future generations to come.”

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Harrison Palmer

Major: Energy Systems Engineering

Graduation Date: December 16th, 2018

Project: SSC Energy Village

Project Start Date: September 4th, 2018

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“The VTEC/ESTEP program provided the required internship/research opportunity that I needed to complete my Master's program. In addition to providing the means to complete that degree, the mentorship I received regarding my resume, social media presence, networking strategy, and interview preparations was instrumental to every job offer I received. Ultimately, I landed my dream job at Tesla fresh out of the military. This would not have been possible without the assistance from the VTEC staff and the degree I obtained with its help.”


Kyle Venstrom

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: May 14th, 2021

Project: Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring for Load Disaggregation and Power Quality Analysis

Project Start Date: July 11th, 2018

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“I was a part of VTEC for almost two years now. During that time, I had been an intern at NIWC Pacific working on a project involving Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. Working in a lab with many diverse energy projects has given me invaluable insight into industry process that I could not have gained from my classes alone. It is because of this program that I have been able to apply my skills from my degree to solve real world problems. I have had the opportunity to design and manufacture prototypes from the ground up. Most importantly, as a future engineer, I could not have obtained the direction and focus I have now without my experiences through VTEC.”


Tyler Arlan

Major: Mechanical Engineering

Graduation Date: June 11th, 2021

Project: HVAC Energy Reduction

Project Start Date: July 10th, 2019

Project Location: NIWC - San Diego

“When I first started going to school, I never thought I would be lucky enough to learn as many useful skills as I have, let alone, have an internship doing something I enjoy. Also, I have been lucky enough to have the guidance of Mr. Maddox for the past year. He assisted me with professional necessities like, my resume and my Linkin profile. So far at NIWC San Diego, I have used a CNC machine, 3D printer, and I have been able to hone my skills using Matlab, Solidworks, and Simulink. Additionally, I was able to practice running wires to connect thermocouple sensors in an HVAC system in order to monitor temperatures. Having this opportunity has allowed me to further develop my practical engineering skills in a way that would not be possible outside of the internship.”


Franklin Wang

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: June 30th, 2021

Project: Re-Engineering & Integrating a Building-Scale Liquid Air Energy Storage System

Project Start Date: May 18th, 2020

Project Location: Naval Postgraduate School

“Serving in the California National Guard is an additional worry while being a full time student and working part time. I am grateful for my VTEC internship as I was able to gain value job experience as an intern in addition to working to support myself. The project was both hands-on and relevant, and I have no doubt it will help me find a good permanent job in the future.”


Bradley Ho

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: December 17th, 2022

Project: Implementation of Energy Efficient Solid State Transformers(SST)

Project Start Date: April 13th, 2020

Project Location: Naval Postgraduate School

“I am glad that there are programs such as VTEC that create opportunities for veterans of the US Armed Forces to excel in the STEM fields. Personally, I am grateful to be working with the staff members at VTEC. Though, I am just starting out as an undergraduate intern, I could foresee the potential benefits of networking and researching capacity that VTEC and CSUSM offer. Proud to be a part of America's future!”


Dan Garcia

Major: Electrical Engineering

Graduation Date: December 24th, 2019

Project: 2Modular Microgrid (M2G)

Previous Project: UAV solar charging station for facility energy monitoring(EXWC)

Project Start Date: April 2nd, 2018

Project Location: NAVFAC - EXWC

“The VTEC program has been extremely beneficial to my life as I would like to think that it opened up opportunities that would lead to my current job as a Systems Test Engineer. My time working on the ESTEP UAV solar charging station exposed me to integration of various components required for a system to function as intended. The year long exposure on that project led me to an internship for Northrop Grumman in systems test engineering which I would then receive a full time offer for and accept.”